Upcoming Faculty of Education Thesis Community of Practice (CoP)

Faculty of Education Thesis Community of Practice (CoP) Date: Tuesday, September 19 Time: 10:30am PT; 11:30am MT; 1:30pm EST; 2:30pm AT In the spirit of continuing our conversations, we would like to invite everyone to our next upcoming Thesis Community of Practice (CoP) session: Pilgrimage or Trek? Mentoring Graduate Students Along the Thesis Journey. On […]

New Interim Associate Dean (General Education)

Dear Colleagues, I am delighted to announce that, effective Friday 1 September 2023, Dr. Jeeyeon Ryu has been appointed as Interim Associate Dean, General Education. Dr. Ryu is in her third year at YU, during which time she has served as an instructor, Faculty Lead, and acting Associate Dean. Going forward, her key areas of […]