Upcoming Faculty of Education Thesis Community of Practice (CoP)

Faculty of Education Thesis Community of Practice (CoP)

Date: Tuesday, September 19

Time: 10:30am PT; 11:30am MT; 1:30pm EST; 2:30pm AT

In the spirit of continuing our conversations, we would like to invite everyone to our next upcoming Thesis Community of Practice (CoP) session: Pilgrimage or Trek? Mentoring Graduate Students Along the Thesis Journey.

On Tuesday, September 19, our Interim Dean Tim Goddard will facilitate a Q & A focused on what will be most helpful and meaningful for faculty who are guiding students along the thesis journey.

Dr. Goddard has directly supervised 45 graduate students (6 doctoral and 39 masters) to the successful completion of their degree. He worked closely with a further 25 students as co-supervisor, committee member, or external examiner. Two of his masters’ students won the CASEA Dr. Margaret Haughey Award for best thesis in the field of educational administration and leadership completed at a Canadian university. Two of his doctoral students were nominated, and finalists, for the Thomas Barr Greenfield Award for best Canadian dissertation. One of his masters’ students went on to complete her doctoral work at another university and subsequently won the T. B. Greenfield Award. In 2019, Dr. Goddard received the inaugural UPEI Faculty of Graduate Studies Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Mentorship.

Please submit any question(s) you wish to explore together in this session to Jeeyeon via email at [email protected] by Friday, September 8, 2023.

Our Thesis CoP is an optional, informal space for us to connect with one another and everyone is welcome. Our CoP sessions are recorded and available to all faculty via the Faculty Commons.

We would love to see you if you are available to join us.